Category: Operations

Information about changes or proposals that affect the way our project operates.

Unexpected Reboot

Combing through the physical host logs and reading things line by
line turns out a set of errors that might be concerning to our
operations, but we aren’t sure just yet.

Apr 25 12:04:34 adrian kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged
Apr 25 12:04:34 adrian kernel: microcode: CPU12: patch_level=0x08701021
Apr 25 12:04:34 adrian kernel: microcode: CPU13: patch_level=0x08701021
Apr 25 12:04:34 adrian kernel: microcode: CPU14: patch_level=0x08701021
Apr 25 12:04:34 adrian kernel: microcode: CPU15: patch_level=0x08701021
Apr 25 12:04:34 adrian kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: CPU 12: Machine Check: 0 Bank 5: bea0000000000108
Apr 25 12:04:34 adrian kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: TSC 0 ADDR 1ffffa5e675c2 MISC d012000100000000 SYND 4d000000 IPID 500b000000000 
Apr 25 12:04:34 adrian kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: PROCESSOR 2:870f10 TIME 1714061070 SOCKET 0 APIC 9 microcode 8701021
Apr 25 12:04:34 adrian kernel: microcode: CPU0: patch_level=0x08701021

We are continuing to check on the machine and watching for problems
that may be affecting us.

We got in touch with the data center and they are saying
“As these are unmanaged servers, we do not actively monitor
customer services, so we do not know when or why a services
goes offline.” Which we understand, the operation of the
hardware is on us, but this is something outside of our
project from the looks of it.

Our team will continue to work on restoring network services
and will monitor the system for the next few hours to see
if any issues arise.

We got some alarms sent to our team around 1214EST this
afternoon that large portions of our network went offline
without warning. Upon logging into our management consoles
and looking things over, it seems that our physical host
“Adrian” rebooted.

We have reached out to the data center to see what may have
happened and our team is in the process of restoring our
network functionality.

Updates, Upgrades, Reboots and more!

Our team has been busy this morning doing updates to our
various VMs, hosts and services on the network. It seems
that everything went nicely and all systems should be up
and operational. Total down time was around ten minutes.

Scheduled Reboot, Saturday April 13th

Our team has scheduled a reboot of our physical server. This
is due to updates including a newer kernel. During the reboot
our website, mail server and transit network will not be
available. The outage is estimated to last about ten minutes
and the reboot is set for 2330EST.

After the reboot, our team will begin working on our routers
to install firmware updates to them, meaning that our project
members will see brief periods of connectivity outages. Seeing
as this is a minor firmware update, we aren’t expecting any
problems and should have the network fully function in under
an hour after the reboot of the physical server.